Thirteen Days Theatrical Movie Trailer (2001)
Thirteen Days takes place in the early days of October 1962, U. S. spy planes photograph the impending installation of Soviet missile sites in Cuba. While there is widespread agreement that the missiles must not be allowed, there is no clear way to ensure that. The military feels that their destruction followed by the invasion of Cuba is likely the only option. President Kennedy realizes however that to do so, would lead the Soviet Union to invade West Berlin with the result being an all out war. He pushes his subordinates, coordinated by brother Bobby, to come up with an alternative solution. Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara proposes a naval blockade of Cuba which the U. S. initiates with the backing of the Organization of American States. Throughout the 13 day crisis, the President and his inner circle struggle to rein those who would take unilateral action and through back channels, tries to communicate with the Soviet leadership and provide them with a facesaving solution to their mutual dilemma.