5 Biggest Developer Mistakes You Are Making That Waste Your Time
IMPORTANT: Learn Java Now: As developers we have a unique ability to automate many mundane tasks by writing a simple program. This ability leads many developers to look for other ways to optimize their programming, but all too often these optimizations are actually massive time wastes. In this video I will be sharing with you the five things developers do that they think are productive but actually waste their time. 1. Over customizing your editor. 2. Over optimizing code from the beginning 3. Over designing, architecting code 4. Manual testing 5. Refactoring code that works just fine and is not affecting anything else just to make it newer Concepts Covered: Why developers do tasks that waste their time. How to avoid wasting your time as a develo. .., WebDevSimplified, webdevsimplified, 5biggestdevlopertimewasters, 5developermistakes, 5biggestdevelopermistakes, developermistakes, webdevmistakes, webdevproductivity, productivitymistakes, developerproductivity 20200623 tHKWLkpWJA