Autumn, Cornstalk Fairy House DIY Using Glass Bottle and Homemade Clay, Thanksgiving Craft Idea
Let s make another autumn theme fairy house, the cornstalk house adorns with mini acorns and acorn leaf using glass bottle and air dry homemade clay. I did another experiment with my best homemade clay. This time I add cotton wool instead of tissue paper to the basic clay recipe. The result awesome the clay becomes tough and super hard when it is dry. As you can see in the video I can pull the clay to almost a meter I think, without breaking it. LOL. And, when the clay dry, I can hold the glass by only holding on the tip of the cornstalk. That s why you ll see that I use plaster mixed with flour and water to make the acorn leaf so I can cut the clay. The clay with cotton wool is not easy to cut. How to add the cotton wool Firstly, I pour the water ingredient onto the bowl, add the cotton wool and then adding all other ingredients, then kneading and pulling the clay until the cotton wool mixed well. Give it a try and see if you like the idea. I have shared my clay recipe at