Stolen brides or don t take away a wolf s bitten sheep
Stolen brides or dont take away a wolfs bitten sheep Documentary (HD) 50, 53 min. Directed and produced by Helena Samoylova Alex Samoylov ProVision Group Russian Federation, Moscow Synopsis The ancient custom of bride kidnapping is widespread among highlanders of Russias Muslim Northern Caucasus, though according to Shari law (the basis of Islamic law) brides kidnapping is a sin that is strictly forbidden by the Koran. Every year, thousands of girls are kidnapped on south of Russia. This is increasingly becoming the preferred method of the regions men to begin a family. Many stolen girls are raped or died. Psychological pressure often accompanies the kidnapping of brides. Most of the girls are forced to marry their kidnappers due to the traditional cultures view that a girl who has been abducted has forever disgraced herself and shamed her family meaning she can never be married anyone except her abductor. Therefore the most popular proverb in Caucasus about t