Exclusive ELDEN RING Gameplay Exploring Castle Mourne
Elden Ring features numerous minidungeons like caves and catacombs to explore alongside giant sprawling dungeon crawls like Stormveil Castle. Castle Mourne, nestled in southern Limgrave on the Weeping Penninsula, is a place where horrors abound. Chimeric leonine creatures and other surprises await the player should they dare approach. While this locale would fall into the minidungeon classification, it s substantially larger than any of the minor offerings that I experiences during my 10hours of gameplay, with a dangerous approach and several checkpoints. We hope you enjoy this exclusive Elden Ring gameplay. To read our cover story, head over to , , S U B S C R I B E Don t miss any of our video features or exclusive coverage Subscribe to the channel: , , FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL Twitter, Instagram,