15 Minute Pancake Mobility Routine FOLLOW ALONG
Tight Hamstrings Working towards the Pancake Stretch This routine is for you We will be working on opening our Hips hamstrings with dynamic and static stretches to increase Flexibility towards this skill. Developing a good pancake position is critically important for improving other bodyweight movements such as Pike Press to Handstand, VSit Stalder Press. If you have 15 minutes to spare, give this a shot and invest time in your mind, body, and soul With Love Kindness, The SM Team Intro (00:00) Routine Starts (01:30) Stream OntheGo Unlimited Online Courses, InDepth Lectures, and FollowAlong Practices Start your 3 Day FREE Trial Whats in the SM Academy Training Programs for Calisthenics, Yoga, HandBalancing, Primal Elements, HIIT, and HomeTrai