The Rolling Stones How Did They Get Their Name
How did the Rolling Stones get their name According to Keith Richards it was the former guitarist Brian Jones who came up with the name in a rather accidental way. Sure, we all know the phrase A Rolling Stone gathers no moss and yes that had something to do with it, in that the phrase was part of the inspiration of a 1950 Muddy Waters song Rollin Stone Now the original proverb has a literal truth in that moss needs an unmoving environment in order to form One of the easiest ways to get an idea of how long stones or trees have been in a place is to look at the amount of moss that has formed on them. As a proverb, it can be taken in two ways. The basic idea, that if you keep moving (never settle down) you won t accumulate anything, is usually taken to mean that you will never amass any wealth or have a settled career. The other possible meaning is that you will never have any responsibilities such as home or family but will remain clear and unencumbered. Either way, the say