Nick Ellie, , Falling Around You 18x14
You can find all the information you need about the song at the end of the video Instagram: therollyjogeredits My other NCIS, Ellick videos: To be quite honest, I didn t plan on making any new Ellick edit for this week s episode despite the content we got because it truly annoyed me how, ONCE AGAIN, all the interesting stuff happened offscreen. It s NCIS though, so I should have known better than hoping for more. But I didn t have much to do today and was quite bored so I still ended up making a little something, even though it s a copy of a Tiva edit I made last season. And it has probably too many voiceovers overlapping in a way that doesn t always make sense. Oh well. I ll pour my whole heart into editing them when we finally get a kiss and, or a real confession onscreen haha. (As you might see, I also was MUCH more inspired once the song started picking up a little with the beats and worked on the beginning of the so