CURVE NEWYORK July 2018 Intimate Apparel and Swimwear Beachwear
A look back at CURVENEWYORK July 2018. CURVENEWYORK Is the leading trade show platform on the East Coast of North America for intimate apparel and swimwearbeachwear. This is a not to be missed event which gathers the best players of the Intimate Apparel and SwimwearBeachwear industry on the East Coast of North America. The show focuses on creating business relationships and sharing experiences between brands and customers. CURVE is the only show in North Americas solely dedicated to Intimate Apparel, SwimwearBeachwear, and Mens Underwear. The CURVE shows are produced by EUROVET AMERICAS, a EUROVET (Lingerie Swimwear Activewear) company. EUROVET (Our mission is to create modern events where business, an international outlook, image, pleasure, and emotions blend together. ) is the worldleading trade show organizer for intimates and swimwearbeachwear, with its main international events in Paris, New York, Las Vegas, Shanghai and Hong Kong.