Sir Bernard Counted Out (1956)
Grosvenor House, London. LV. Grosvenor House. GV. Front door of Grosvenor House with crowds outside and shareholders going in. CU. Shareholders walking in, looking grim. CU. Bearded shareholder walking in. SV. Man produces pass as he passes camera to get in. GV. Sir Bernard Docker, now former Chairman of gets out of his car. CU. Press photographers. GV. Sir Bernard stands beside the car as Lady Docker climbs out. They pose. SV. The bonnet of the Docker s car showing the number plate ND 5. GV. The car. CU. Evening News placard The Dockers Go Into Battle camera tilts up to vendor s face. LV. Dockers yacht Shemara lying at anchor. SV. Sir Bernard and Lady Docker at the top of the gangway waving. GV. Miners climbing up the gangway and being received at the top by Lady Docker. SV. Miners clustered around the tray of champagne, helping themselves. TV. Lady Docker dances the hornpipe surrounded by miners. CU. Lady Docker dancing. CU. Sir Bernard Docker watching and grinning. SV. A. line