Ball sized hail destroyed hundreds of houses Storm in San Luis, Argentina
Natural disaster 28 January 2023. Ballsized hail destroyed hundreds of houses Storm in Villa Mercedes, Argentina Hail the size of a tennis ball hit the central part of Argentina. As a result, the roofs of houses and shop windows were damaged, as well as cars. The hailstones were up to 20 cm in diameter, one of the largest of all time. The storm also passed in Villa Mercedes, causing great damage to houses and cars. A natural disaster is a serious adverse event caused by natural processes on Earth; examples include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, rain, hail, wildfires, waves, wind, snow, weather, and other geological processes. , VillaMercedes, argentina, hail, naturaldisasters, climatechange, weather, flood, storm, hurricane, news, rain, SanLuis Earthquake today news: Daily monitoring of earthquakes around the planet. Be aware of events