15 y, o Girl Voice Lesson w, Vocal Coach I PUT A SPELL ON YOU
Hello, my Sweetheart I hope you enjoy this intense lesson with my Sweetheart15 y, o Eva Poklonskaya from Russia Eva is most definitely a vocal prodigy and also the girl from GIRL WITH AMAZING DEEP VOICE video 2 years ago We had so much fun singing and working on this iconic blues song in my Carpool Coaching car Agility, improvisation, vocal registers, belting stability, interpretation, placement we worked on everything Keep on practicing and thank you for being here Remember Hold on to that CHEST VOICE SPECIAL OFFER Enter Coupon code: SPELLONYOU to get my brand new online singing course BOOM THE BIG 10 VOCAL WORKOUTS for only 99 Enter Coupon Code: IWANNASING and get 10 off any course or bundle TikTok: evapoklonskaya Instagram: evapoklonskaya YouTube: Eva Poklonskaya Love