Saliva HIGH ON ME ( Official Music Video)
Saliva High on Me Official Music Video Blonde hair, blue eyes Couldnt color your lies Youre so fucking black and white Whisper to a scream Candy or the codeine Try and get your story right Are you high on the pills you take Or the crimes of our yesterdays Are you high on the make believe or, Are you high on me Are you high on me Mother taught me Give her black coffee See what spills from her mouth 3 ring circus Rising to the surface Whos the lion whos the clown Are you high on the pills you take Or the crimes of our yesterdays Are you high on the make believe or, Are you high on me On the cocaine kiss On the bedroom bliss All the cash we burned Yeah we lived but we never really learned Now I see I dont know How far youll go Are you high on the pills you take Or the crimes of our yesterdays Are you high on the ma