BAE GEMITE DOMINATION Episode 2 w, Oozora Subaru Shishiro Botan
Join me on my journey of spreading VEGEMITE across the world I challenged my fellow HoloPro members in trying my national treasure. Will they receive the title of Honorary Australian Watch and see ベジマイト制覇シリーズへようこそ これはホロライブプロダクションのメンバーたちにベジマイトにチャレンジしてもらうシリーズです 誰が一番オーストラリア人としての名誉を獲得できるでしょうか お楽しみに , BaegemiteDomination, hololive CREDITS Guests: OozoraSubaru ShishiroBotan Editor: nekomikuri Logo: Spiritsnare Music by Kevin Macleod: Sneaky Snitch, Fluffing a Duck, Constance, Breaktime Vegemite: Vegemite from Bae s Shed Fan Work Guidelines Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. Official Online Shop Holoschedule (Check all members streaming schedules) Hololive Production Hololive English YouTube Channel: t. co, LcYDgFF9V0 amp1 Hololive Production Official Twitter: Hololive English Official Twitter: Hololive English Official Reddit: