Gemini Wing ALL Clear 1, 941, 910
Gemini Wing is an old arcade shmup made by Tecmo way back in 1987. The game focuses around the gunballs the random weapon drops that enemies leave behind. You use these to survive and to score. The droppers that bring in a row of gunballs can randomly change if you shoot the dropper, you can also steal it s gunballs by touching the chain. The way the scoring works is that you have a hidden kill and a hidden hit counter. Kill stands for enemies killed and hit stands for enemies hit with special weapons and certain weapons do more hits than others. At a certain amount of kills a dropper appears and if you met a certain amount of hits when the dropper appears you get a special item. This is either a speedup, an extra life or point items. These always appear in a certain order. The kill counter is frozen if a dropper or a gunball is onscreen or if it s the end of a stage. The system is honestly completely luckbased as half the items decimate everything and