cali gari Kaitai DISC 1
Band: caligari DVD: caligari Kaitai 解体 Disk No. : 1 out of 4 Release date: August 1st, 2010 Performance Date: July 22nd, 2013 Hello Here s a big DVD set coming up If I read right, this was a FC exclusive. As always, 2x d and ripped by myself Please enjoy and support the band if you can Tracklist: Timestamps later 01. SE 02. Erotopia (エロトピア) 03. Machina (マッキーナ) 04. Sentimental (せんちめんたる) 05. Harasho Mekurumeku Tousaku (ハラショー めくるめく倒錯) 06. Guuzen Arashi (偶然嵐) 07. Tou (踏) 08. Zoku, Tsumetai Ame (続冷たい雨) 09. Tsumetai Ame (冷