311 Muse Hysteria Drum Cover
Explore Band , Muse Title Hysteria Album Absolution Original drummer Dominic Howard In order to fully appreciate these videos and the high quality audio recording, please use either good speakers or headphones when watching. Lars Delta uses and abuses the following equipment: Drums Drum Workshop Collectors series Maple VLX (kick, floors), VLT (toms) Mapa Burl Sky Blue Burst over Natural Lacquer Black Nickel Hardware True hoops on all toms and snare (Length x Diameter) 2 x 20x22 Bass Drums (vented ebony logo heads, with Kickports) 1 x 10x12 tom tom 1 x 12x14 tom tom 1 x 16x16 floor tom 1 x 16x18 floor tom 1 x 5x14 snare, DW Edge Hardware DW 2 x 9000 single pedal 1 x 9500TB 2leg hi hat stand 1 x SM2141X hi hat bass drum stabilising clamp 1 x 9502LB remote hi hat h