The SP404 MK2 IS HERE, , Huge new feature walkthrough
I hooked up with Roland and managed to get hold of the brand new SP404 MK2. This device is an absolute gamechanger and I m so glad I can finally reveal that I was sent one after keeping it a secret for the last couple of months. In this video I talk through a large amount of the key new features and also include a lot of demos too. More videos to come on this device very soon Here are some ways you can support what I do: Buy my lofi drum packs (instant download) Buy Tshirts from my Teespring store Become a channel member . Release your beats with DistroKid (use my 7 off link ) Buy absolutely ANYTHING on Amazon to help fund the channel: US: UK: 0:00 Cinematic overview 1:10 Intro 4:10 Physical updates 9:00 Buttons and pads 10:35 16 levels (Full Demo) 11:13 Chromatic mode (Full Demo)