1960s Hockey Fight Detroit Red Wings vs. New York Rangers WKBD TV ( Excerpts, 11, 13, 1966)
Transferred direct from a 2 Quad tape squirreled away for 56 years, here are selected highlights (or lowlights, if you will) of a hockey match that devolved into a fight between the Detroit Red Wings and New York Rangers as aired in notsoglorious blackandwhite over WKBD Channel 50 in Detroit, MI (the first Kaiser Broadcasting UHF station to sign on, on January 10th 1965). The main announcer was Budd Lynch. The director was Ken Fouts, who worked there until 1967 at which point he moved to WLWT Channel 5 in Cincinnati, OH. He saved this tape and we enlisted the help of the great DC Video in Burbank, CA to bring it to you here. The game originated from Madison Square Garden III in New York. A WKBDTV Replay lowerthird is seen all through this clip. Includes: Rangers Reg Fleming scoring a goal A save Another Ranger goal (1:09) New York leading 20 (2:16) Rangers lead now 21 (4:18) Super shows s