Our Revenge Will Be Seen in the Laughter of Our Children
I do not know what the future will bring even in the weeks and months ahead. Will there be further clarifications from the pope, more burdensome restrictions, or even further eliminations of Latin Masses, Latin Mass Parishes, and Latin Mass communities I have no golden crystal ball like Blessed Anna Maria Taigi. I can state that the priests which act as your Fathers in Christ will neither compromise nor become defiantwe will neither embrace a revolutionary liturgy for the sake of a false peace, nor will we seek an unhealthy independence from our Lords, the Bishops. Hopefully, we will be willing to suffer well if suffering comes as we serve the flock entrusted to our care. I do not want to exaggerate or overstate things, but the situation in regard to Tradition is in some sense apocalyptic. There is much uncertainty and we shouldnt sugar coat things. All I know is thisTradition will eventually winthe Traditional Latin Mass will return as the Mass of Romeas the one, unique form of worship in the Latin Rit