Death by CBDC: The Fall of the Petrodollar
Click here for more videos: For decades, the US dollar has reigned supreme as the world s reserve currency and as as the petrodollar used to settle international crude oil transactions. But what does the future hold for it The emergence of the Euro, and more recently, the Chinese Yuan, as international currencies challenges the dollar s position. China s agreement with Saudi Arabia to settle crude oil transactions through the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange using a Chinese Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) known as the digital Yuan has sent shockwaves around the world. These and other factors, such as the BRICS alliance, are leading to a significant degree of dedollarization worldwide. Continued dedollarization due to declining status as a global reserve currency and as the petrodollar will have significant impacts on the U. S. economy and your investment portfolio. If you want to prepare for the eventuality of a declining dollar, this video is for you.