Cavetown Sweet Tooth Official Music Video
Watch the official music video for Sweet Tooth by cavetown from the album Sleepyhead. Subscribe to the channel: Listen to Sleepyhead here: Vinyl and more available at Director: Moon moonmoonington Producer: Stuart Hall monkeyshoveler Production Manager: Charlotte Henwood charlottekmh 1st AD: Connor Hamilton connoronnoconnor DOP: Francis Lane francislanedop 2nd AC: Asia Kilgallon Gaffer: Werner Van Peppen wernergaffer Spark: Mitch Van Der Jagt betterworkmitch Spark: Chris Spencer Focus Puller: Kilmas Jurevicius klimstagrama Art Director: Lottie Highfield lottiehighfieldd Art Assistant: Max Mcgregory maxgregory8 Art Assistant: Graeme Peacock graemepeacock Stylist: Eleni Bantra elenibantrastyling MUA: Millie Glenister millielouisemakeup Location Manager: Ali Coulson alicauson PA: Atia