Seven Deadly Sins ㅡ Pap Magazine
Every artist during his life finds and leaves some particles of truth about civilization and humanity. We were inspired by the painting The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things by Hieronymus Bosch. With his painting, he reminds people immersed in the daily bustle of the usual everyday sins, repeated over and over again, and that evil is relentlessly followed by retribution. Everything in the world is interconnected and we are part of this cycle. Therefore, we asked ourselves is it important not to repeat mistakes while we are inside the cycle of the Metaverse GLUTTONY, GULA Yesterday it was appetite, today it is plenitude, tomorrow it will be satiety. A person can be called blind to the rest of the joys of life. when the only pleasure in life becomes saturation with food. Gluttony is an escape not from the fear of hunger, but from the diversity of life. GREED, AVARITIA Money rules the world. This phrase acquires a frightening meaning when it becomes