Cave Paintings, Animation by Shi Gu
The Crow s metamorphosis is no gift. It doesn t carry any virtues with it nor the promise of a brilliant future. It is a curse which brings death and sacrirfice. It s the tortuous task of a cosmic executioner, condemned to repeat again and again it s tragic destiny, always engulfed in the flames of conflict in it s quest to abolish Power. This is the result of my final project at school, in order to obtain my bachelor s degree in Visual Arts. It is an animation that defines the paraphernalia and cycle of what I call the Crow Archetype, a fictional archetype that repeats itself in my own microcosm. The animation focuses on the Original Crow: an ancient sorceress named Hoh, in a distant mythical past in which the relationship between humans and gods hadn t been yet stablished. , ShiGu Cave Paintings Ana Paula Castro Garcés Cave Paintings Sergio Romero Maciel Music