Neil de Grasse Tyson: Betelgeuse Is EXPLODING and Can Be Seen In Night Sky
Betelgeuse, a brilliant red star in the constellation Orion, has been behaving in a peculiar way. It faded to a level never before recorded, at least in records going back over a century, between late 2019 and 2020. It dimmed momentarily to a level where it was barely brighter than Bellatrix, Orion s third brightest star. However, Betelgeuse has since regained his brightness. It was the brightest star in Orion for a few days this yearbrighter than we had ever seen it. Its impending explosionrelated doom has been speculated about as a result of both incidents. The red supergiant star, according to astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, may even have already exploded, leaving Earth susceptible to the devastating impacts of a supernova explosion. Subscribe Here For copyright contact , Voyager, Space