How to make Legacy Refactoring Fun Again, Tomáš Votruba ( Czech Slovak PHP Community Pehapkari)
Профессиональная конференция для PHPразработчиков PHP Russia 2019 Презентация и тезисы: Legacy code is present of any successful company. The longer your live and profit, the older your code is. How to get out of this You can rewrite (don t do that ) or refactor manual (don t do that either ). It s 2019 and there is a tool for that now Rector. I help companies to refactor their huge legacy code in a couple of weeks. You can also switch frameworks, from PHP 5. 3 to PHP 7. 4, from Laravel to the sky is the limit :) I will show you how you can make your legacy code shine again Если вы найдете ошибку, пишите на