30 MIN POWER WORKOUT NO JUMPING, + Weights, Full Body, Strength + HIIT, Super Sweaty, No Noise
, trainwithkaykay, dbpowerworkoutnojumping Warm Up Cool Down on top Hey Team, everydaywarrior new 30 min DB Power Workout No Jumping. Not less intense though. Let s smash this Full Body Sesh, powerful exercises only We definitely will be targeting every single muscle group of our body. Let it burn I am using 2x 8 kg for your reference. Win your day no matter when Remember: we all are different, so are our levels of fitness. Make every single workout YOUR OWN. It is really important to make sure to maintain a proper form while exercising. Feel free to modify some exercises (less weight, dropping the weights, slowing down, no jumping etc. ) or rest some more if you need to. w o r k o u t d e t a i l s: DB Power Workout: 00:00 00:10 Intro 00:12 04:16 Warm Up ARM CIRCLES HAMMIE WALK OUT EASY TWISTED PUNCH SQUAT LEG CIRCLE ALT. LUNGE STRETCH WALK THE DOG WRISTS br, br,