LOréal Paris Spring Summer 2019 Fashion Show
DESFILE L ORÉAL PARIS. Descubre Le Défile, un desfile exclusivo de L Oréal Paris +J O I N The Glarmi Fashion Channel Family + Youtube + Instagram ( Glarmifashionchannel ) : + twitter ( Glarmitv ) : C O N T A C T + Any questions, inquiries or collabs : T H A N K Y O U Thanks so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed. Leave any future video ideas you would like to see in the comments below and don t forget to subscribe +Licencia Atribución de Creative Commons +Licencia CC BY + +Licencia Channel CC BY + impact european +Licencia: CC BY+ , LOréalParisSpringSummer, GFCNW , Glarmifashionchannel, GFCNW , GLARMIFASHIONCHANNELMUNDIAL, Glarmitv, Fashionviewspain , GLMRBACKSTAGE , GFCNW, GlarmifashionChannel