クリスタ christa ビターチョコデコレーション 踊ってみた Niconico Video sm38753325
Nice choreography Everyone challenged Please try to the end if you like Shooting: Mr. Gokaku per second Edit: Naka Sound source used: sm34425299 Choreographer: sm36049777 Dancing person Naka mylist, 63439060 Shin Hobi Yuri Last work: Don t go sm38547624 Cherry Bomb sm38405410 Kaishin no Ichigeki Sm37990227 Venus Dance sm37837124 Kitai sm37716345 Scramble dating sm36594174 Darling sm36018598 Questionnaire from God sm35579743 God s Manimani sm38628676 なかNaka 踊ってみた 05, 18, 2021 12:00 Views 545