Get your body ready for the NEXT BIOWEAPON to be released
Get your body ready for the NEXT BIOWEAPON to be released Vaccines contain cultured fetal cells (human embryonic, aborted baby lung cultures), and neurotoxins, e. g., Thimerosal (Mercury), Lead, Aluminum, and Barium; further, they also contain Ethanol (Antifreeze), Polysorbate (20 80: a class of emulsifiers used in some pharmaceuticals and food preparation), Formaldehyde (Toxin that poses a significant danger to human health), Acetone (Solvent), Alcohol, E Coli (Escherichia Coli: fecal matter from the intestines of warmblooded organisms), Detergent (poison); Additionally, they are GAIN OF FUNCTION GERM WARFARE. Testosterone amplifies the Neurotoxicity of the Mercury Molecule, which detrimentally affects people with disorders, such as ADD, ADHD, speech delay, tics, Tourettes Syndrome, Narcolepsy, ASD, PDD: Autism. COVID HOME TEST KIT has SODIUM AZIDE (Explodes into a TOXIC GAS FATAL is INHALED, SWALLOWED, CONTACT with SKIN). MASKS and FULL descr here: