How To End A Series, Breaking Bad The Walking Dead
Breaking Bad is recognized by many as one of the greatest television shows of all time. The Walking Dead, on the other hand, has steadily faded from the limelight since its explosive debut in 2010. So why have these two seemingly similar shows diverged so much during their runs on air This video essay analyzes how Breaking Bad successfully managed to end on a high and why The Walking Dead failed to do the same. , breakingbad, thewalkingdead, videoessay, storytelling, marvel, memes, meme, tv, show, movie, walterwhite, bryancranston, jessepinkman, aaronpaul, rickgrimes, andrewlincoln , shanewalsh, jonbernthal, daryldixon, normanreedus , negan, jeffreydeanmorgan Chapters 00:00 Introduction 03:18 Breaking Bad 12:10 The Walking Dead 30:31 Compared 36:49 Closing Remarks