2 4 Speaking BBC Wider World 3
BBC VOX POPS Co Corrine G Geoff Co Chee A Andrew Co: The problem yesterday when I needed to take the train to Nottingham from Bedford, but when I got to the train station I realised I had left my debit card at home, so I couldn t pay for a ticket and I also couldnt pay for a bus back to my house. So I was stuck in a train station and I really had to get to Nottingham that day. So I had to wait there in the train station for about three hours until my parents came and gave me some money on their way back from work and then I could buy tickets and get to Nottingham. G: I was staying in France on a student exchange, as, as a lecturer rather than as a student and participated in the local marathon. Having completed the marathon in a, in a lamentable time of about four and a half hours, I eventually went back to the house where I was staying and found that I was locked out. So having done a marathon, which completely exhausted me, it was then