One Must Fall: Battlegrounds North American Open Part 1
The first tourney of OMF:BG. Also the difficulty is Amateur, the first opponents aren t even that good. The only AI that is really Amateur level, is Raven, and only the round after you won a round. I m playing as Dawn, piloting a Chronos, since I feel the stats she has, namely Strenght and Focus, benefit the Chronos the most. In this tournament, the matches follow Last Man Standing rules, meaning that the last man standing in a round, wins a point. Whoever gets 2 points, wins the match, and can go on to the next match. This part features: Match 1: Dawn, Stacy and Gracy ( Secret : Destroy Stacy in the first round that you win, to make her SO FURIOUS. ) Match 2: Dawn, Lithius and Professor (The catch here is that Lithius covers you and the Professor in acid, making you gradually lose life. ) Match 3: Dawn, Velocity, Brick and Suki (Regular match. )