Slim and Wingate Two British Commanders in Burma
Slim and Wingate Two British Commanders in Burma Burma Week sponsored by Use promo code WW2TV to get 20 discount off any order via this link Renowned military historian and retired British Army officer Robert Lyman joins us to talk about Generals Slim and Wingate in the Burma Campaign of WWII. General W. J. Slim achieved something no one believed possible. Appointed to lead what was soon to become the famous forgotten 14th Army in 1943, at a time when British units in the Far East were defeated and demoralised, within six months he had dealt the first death blow to the Japanese Army. This the battle of Kohima and Imphal was the largest single defeat of the Japanese on land in the Second World War and led to their complete destruction in Burma by August 1945. General Orde Charles Wingate was known for his creation of the Chindit deeppenetration missions in Japaneseheld territory during th