STRAY KIDS A World Domination Documentary ENG guide
Please watch in HD Hello to all, Stays around the world, enthusiasts or just curious being This video has been lying around in my drafts for more than three months now (like most of my videos that end up rotting in my virtual and I thought it was about time to share it with you. It was originally supposed to be released before the 23rd of August and their latest comeback, but I had some problems with copyright and Youtube blocking my video in all countries. So I had to change some editing details to fix it and I apologize if it deteriorates the quality of the overall On the other hand, this setback at least allowed me to include the NOEASY step and to update this guide with the latest information I hope that this homemade documentary will enlighten and entertain you. Welcome to the Stay family and enjoy I m French so sorry for my English :) (if you want to improve your French or just see how it looks like, I also