20230215 Scalable Front End Architecture with the Composition API and Composable Functions by Will Marple
Will Marple is a Lead Full Stack Web Developer at Black Airplanes. He has been in the tech industry for 20 years. During that time Will has done everything from building and managing server environments, to architecture and network installing, to development just to name a few. Will Marple has joined Nation 2023 with a deep insight into Composition API. In this session we talk about leveraging Vue 3 s Composition API and Composable functions to discuss a scalable front end architecture pattern. We ve learned more about how these tools can decouple your template markup from data flow concerns, leaving you with a powerful and flexible pattern for organizing your reusable state and functionality. Tune in Visit Vue School Coming soon: The official certification of competence for the Framework Join Forge Episode 3 Join Vue School s Hiring Program Do you want to master Nuxt 3 Mastering Nuxt 3 Course Contact us