Leaving the city to renovate the old house in the forest, adopt a poor dog, make up
Leaving the city to renovate the old house in the forest, adopt a poor dog, make up Jack has always dreamed of leaving the city and living in the peaceful wilderness. One day, he decided to move into the old family house located in the woods. The house had been abandoned for years and was in disrepair, but Jack saw its potential and was determined to make it his own. As they began their renovation project, they noticed a thinlooking dog roaming around the property. They could tell that the dog needed care and attention, so they adopted it. He worked tirelessly on the renovation project, spending countless hours clearing the rubble and repairing the dilapidated house. They are also dedicated to getting the dog healthy again, giving it love and affection. As the day goes on with the week, the house begins to take shape, with new floors, freshly painted walls and a cozy fireplace. He and their new furry friend settle into a new life in the woods, happy and content with their new home.