How to Install Mongo DB on Mac, Install Mongo DB on mac OS (2024)
No Homebrew Needed: How to Install MongoDB on Mac Without Homebrew and Configure in Zsh If you prefer not to use Homebrew, you can manually download and install MongoDB on your Mac. Additionally, we ll cover setting up MongoDB in the Zsh shell. StepbyStep Guide: 1. Download MongoDB: Visit the official MongoDB website and download the MongoDB Community Server for macOS. 2. Extract the Archive: Once the download is complete, locate the downloaded file (usually a. tgz or archive) and extract it. You can do this by doubleclicking on the file or using the terminal: bash tar zxvf 3. Move MongoDB to, usr, local: Mov. .., ProgrammingKnowledge, MongoDB, Database, OpenSourcedatabase, NoSql, InstallingMongoDB, MongoDBTutorialforBeginners, Mongodb, Advantages, DataModelling 20240112 8gUQL2zlpvI