Love To Work Subliminal, No Music, Spooky Graveyard Ambience, Listen At Work, Relaxing or Asleep
Love To Work Subliminal with spooky graveyard ambience, no music. Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a Earl Nightingale Check out my blog here Nurse Report Templates This is a subliminal audio. The affirmations contained in this audio are recorded at 17, 500Hz and are inaudible. These powerful, positive affirmations are designed to bypass the conscious mind and be directed to the subconscious. Subliminals do not produce instant results, it is recommended to listen daily for 412 weeks. Subliminals used consistently along with a positive mindset can be the catalyst to long lasting, positive changes. This audio can be listened to while awake or during sleep. There are no binaural beats included in this audio. Listen with or without headphones at a comfortable volume. Subliminal affirmations are most effective when there are le