Grand Master Donald Mak s Speech on The Installation of Ancestral Photo Ceremony of 25 June 2023
English subtitled version. Grand Master Donald Mak hold a speech about his early retirement from a full time job 10 years ago to focus whole heartedly on Wing Chun. Why we held this ceremony and that from now on the style of our Wing Chun is named as Leung Jan Wing Chun Kuen. The syllabus of IWCO consists both Yip Man s front body and Fung Chun s side body Wing Chun. In addition, the speech talks about how GM Donald Mak turned Wing Chun from hobby to profession and then to charity. And that he has formed a charity organization to teach the kids and teens from the low income families and the underprivileged Wing Chun for free. He will also select suitable candidates to train them to instructor.