BATTLETECH: The Highlander
A, Battlemech for the most daring pilots, the, Highlander has a storied history throughout the, InnerSphere. In the video today, we will be covering the history of this mighty 90ton, AssaultMech from its time in the, StarLeague, through to the, SuccessionWars, into the, ClanInvasion, and into the, DarkAge and, Ilclan era. Often affiliated with, Comstar, the, Comguard, ,WordofBlake and the, SLDF, many might be surprised to find out that this beast also does its fair share of fighting for the, LCAF, ,HouseSteiner, ,LyranCommonwealth, and even moreso is an important element in the, CCAF, ,CapellanConfederation, ,HouseLiao. But I dont want to spoil too much. A great deluge of information awaits within. This indepth dive is here for you, ,Mechwarrior, because of the, Battletech community voting for these in this channels community poll, as well as from the support of the Youtube members for this channel. I cant thank everyone enough for your support. Prime Resources used off th