Timelapse: Gerbera Flowers Blooming
Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii G. hybrids), commonly known as African Daisy, Barberton Daisy, or Transvaal Daisy, is a perennial flowering shrub belonging to the Asteraceae family, native to South Africa. It blooms from Summer through Autumn, showcasing its vibrant flowers on long stems amidst its dull green foliage. Cultivated into various cultivars, Gerberas display single, semidouble, or double flowers in an array of hues such as scarlet, apricot, orange, yellow, white, red, and pink, often adorned with twotone patterns. The flower centers typically range from black, yellow, to green, varying by cultivar. Thriving best in warm climates, some varieties maintain evergreen foliage, while others go dormant during Winter in colder regions, reemerging in Spring. Gerberas require full sun exposure sheltered from strong winds and frost. Adequate soil drainage is crucial, especially in cooler climates. If soil drainage is poor, consider growing Gerberas in raised garden beds or pots.