DJ DMD ft. Lil Keke Fat Pat 25 Lighters
From 1998 Album: TwentyTwo: P. A. World info Get DJ DMD s Music: The fertile ground of the third coast has erupted again: from the Gulf town of Port Arthur, Texas, enters DJ DMD. This underground producer turned artist has sold nearly 75, 000 copies of his selfreleased album TwentyTwo: P. A. World Wide with only limited regional airplay through his own label, Inner Soul Records. He s also on point at his own record store in Port Arthur where he spends his days helping customers, running his label and spreading the word about his growing arsenal of artists. DMD s early idols were rap pioneers such as Run DMC. He was schooled on those early masterpieces, spinning all the latest records at parties to earn money. Soon after, he became inspired to make records. He went on to land an