The Owl House, Amphibia Crossover Animation
This is a collaborative animation of the Owl House, Amphibia Crossover 2021 ComicCon script reading The script is written by Dana Terrace and Matt Braly, and all voices are done by their respective official voice actors. 65 artists worked together to bring their script to life, in full color and motion Thank you for watching, and I hope you enjoy. Please check out the artists involved; they are listed in order of appearance below. :) ARTISTS: random vox (twt voxazz) wisdom mal sadinure digitalreni (twt digitalreni) cartoonistgal (twt cartoonistgal) andy lupdraw (insta lupdraw) lorenzo (twt boschasgf) lii, carmen, cal (twt theowlenby) mk (twt scoremk) vi (twt viwillrockyou) sweetwizard56 (twt sweetmaria56) Dfeng dominick bigbobkat (twt bigbobkat) datsense vhoudk (insta, twt vhoudk) meearu isaiah (snorkmydens) Micahers j