Giant Vanda Sanderiana at the Asia Pacific Orchid Conference 2023 in Singapore
Visited the APOC exhibition at Singapore s Expo Hall on 19 August 2023. Admission was SG20. APOC is the largest gathering of orchid researchers, professional growers, and enthusiasts in the Asia Pacific region. Plants featured: Dendrobium Erika, Dendrobium Jerry Janine Mateparae, Dendrobium Margaret Thatcher, Ridleyara Fascad, Aranda Noorah Alsagoff, Papilionanda Mini Palmer, Arachnis Maggie Oei, Vanda Miss Joaquim, Anoectochilus jewel orchids, Philodendron Paraiso Verde, Schoenorchis Fragrans, Epidendrum Centropetalum, Oncidium Twinkle, Paphiopedilum Niverm, Petaluma Godefroyae, Paphiopedilum lady slippers, Phalaenopsis Deliciosa, Ascochilopsis Myosurus, Dendrobidum Blazing Sun, Dendrobium Yaya Victoria, Vanda Yano Blue, Vanda Sanderiana, Dendrobium Thyrsiflorum, Paraphalaenopsis Nonito Dolera, V. (Violeta x Karina Motes), Grammatophyllum Jumbo Grand, Phalaenopsis Gigantea, Grammatophyllum Speciosum (Tiger Orchid).