King Opens Colonial Month (1949)
Full title reads: King Opens Colonial Month. Church House, London. GV Exterior of Church House, Westminster with Union Jacks flying. Angle shot Colonial Office over doorway. SV Gold Coast police lined up outside. CU Gold Coast police type. SV Colonial types in crowd waving. Interior, looking through doorway of King and Queen arriving at entrance. CU Shahidah, 4 1, 2yearold Malayan, daughter of Inche Abdul Hajid of Malaya. SV Interior Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother) and King George VI walk up steps and Queen is presented with bouquet by Shahidah. SV Colonial boy scouts looking on. SV Pan Queen and King past camera. CU Colonial boy scout with twinkling eye. LV King and Queen with Earl of Athlone and Princess Alice, and Clement Attlee onto platform. CU King and Queen. SV Audience watching. SV King at stand preparing to make speech. It gives me much pleasure to know that during this month the people of London and her visitors from other parts of the United Kingdom will have every chance of lear