не Гусли, но Ольга Глазова Облачко, Cloudlet, Faniar (the Stag s Head, London 2024)
Облачко на эльфийском языке Толкиена. Под гусли звучит лучше :)))) Olga Glazova is a unique Russian musician playing the outstanding gusli with 30 strings. Gusli is a kind of russian, slavic psaltery or harp known from medieval times. Olga aims to bring the ancient instrument to a new level and to let it take it s place in contemporary music. She not only has excellent playing technique, but also composes her own music and sings in Russian, English, Czech and Elvish. Поддержать меня: донат на карту сбер, тинькофф, уралсиб, альфа по номеру телефона +79523578126 , гусли, ольгаглазова, russianharp, леверснаяарфа