Hunter Attacked by Angry Boar During Thermal Hunt with Trijicon REAP IR Thermal Scope
Incredible hog and coyote hunting footage from Chris Robinson of Night Crew TV, including this large boar that ran full steam at Chris from about 100 yards away after being shot. All hunt footage was shot through the eyepiece of the Trijicon REAPIR thermal scope. This video footage illustrates the incredible image quality seen during use. Feral Hog Problem in Texas Each year feral hogs cause millions of dollars in damage in the form of damaged crops, contaminated water supplies, broken equipment, transmission of disease and injury to livestock. Due to their intelligence, adaptability, and prolific breeding habits, traditional methods of hunting and trapping have been largely ineffective in reducing the feral hog population. Since feral hogs are not considered game animals in Texas they may be hunted by any means or methods at any time of year. Some of these methods include large round traps with remote trigger capability, hunting with dogs, and helicopter hog hunts. R