Funky Disco House Mix 2024 Nu Jack City 12 Crazibiza, Laurent Simeca, Otho Grag
Tracklist 00:00 Disco Dice House Of Love (Original Mix) 03:50 Massimo Voci Scala 09:41 Dave Kurtis The Night (Original Mix) 13:23 Crazibiza, DJ Effendi Be my Lover (Effendisco Remix) 18:13 Ghosts of Venice Disco Nouveau (Original Mix) 23:02 Otho and Grag Hey Chris 28:07 Black Hawks of Panama Discoteca Bisteca 30:24 Dave Kurtis Like I Feel (Original Mix) 34:28 Bronx Cheer, Jack Matter Somethin Like This 39:40 Daniel Dash Disco Stuff (Extended Mix) 44:00 Cheesecake Boys, Betty Love Holiday (Timbee Summer Mix) 47:18 Laurent Simeca Work Your Body (Original Mix) 51:21 Stuart Ojelay Mama Say (Original Mix) 56:11 Austin Ato Wee Belter (Harry Romero Extended Mix) Rip has been on an extended vacation but returns with Nu Jack City 12 I am hoping you are all having a great Summer. Cheerz