TOP 10 BEST NUKES IN THE HISTORY of Star Craft 2 esports
THE BEST MOMENT FROM EVERY YEAR of SC2 ESPORTS PART 2 Support the channel Reddit page Twitter page Discord server PSISTORM Patreon Timecodes: 00:00 Funny selfnuke 00:24 Tactical siege nuke 01:11 Juicy nuke 01:31 First really big selfnuke 01:57 Epic nuke combo 02:16 Biggest selfnuke up to date 02:41 Epic nuke trap 03:23 Incredible nuke hit 03:54 Second biggest nuke hit in history 04:15 The biggest hit in the history of StarCraft 2 OST for the video: StarCraft 2 OST: Valor my Shield Stars are our home The Swarm Wings of Liberty theme Heaven s Devils CnC: Generals OST: Building Tension Credit goes to SC2HL, ESL and GSL , sc2 ,